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Dr. Suess wrote the Number 1 Personal Development book.

Courage and vulnerability are our greatest strengths. They are the foundation of all personal development. Without courage, we will not take the risk to improve, and without vulnerability, we will not learn from our mistakes.

  • We need to fall down to learn resilience

  • We need to remove the false masks to be our authentic selves

  • We need to move out of our comfort zone

  • Only through practice can we develop our strengths

Personal development is a lifelong process. It is a way for people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life, and walk a path to those goals.

The number #1 self-development book on my list is ‘Oh, the places you’ll go by Dr. Seuss’. Seriously. Sometimes it feels like we are spending our lives waiting

“The waiting place… ..for people just waiting. Waiting for the fish to bite Or waiting around to fly a kite Or waiting around for Friday night Or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake Or a pot to boil, or a Better Break Or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants Or a wig with curls, or Another Chance Everyone is just waiting”

Personal development is about getting out there and making good things happen, rather than waiting for life to come along. There might be a teeny tiny part of you that thinks personal development could be selfish — I mean after all, when we focus on ourselves we aren’t focusing on our partners, families, careers, right? Well, no. Bringing out the best of yourself will automatically benefit friends, family members, and all of those whom you encounter. When we strive every day to bring out the best of ourselves, others around us benefit by default. In this way, focusing on ourselves is not selfish; we actually serve to better ourselves on behalf of others. Why does it take courage to self-develop:

  • Some people in your life will feel threatened by changes

  • You could fail

  • Someone could see you fail

  • You have to let go of perfectionism

  • You have to experience change

We are often frightened of the negative ways in which these could play out. And they might….but they will build resilience. Imagine if developing yourself led to new friends, or a new career, or doing something you’ve always wanted to do. Without courage, there will be no path to these things. If you have the courage to embrace personal development I can assure you, in the words of Dr. Seuss “KID, YOU’LL MOVE MOUNTAINS!”

Want to know more about how to discover your true self, beyond the layers of what others expect you to be at home, at work, and socially? Join my Authentic Self — The personal revolution Facebook group here — share with a positive and supportive community how you went with asking for help.

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